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Niche Expert & Business Coach

I Help Coaches Find a Profitable & Aligned Niche where they Build Trust Fast, Charge Premium Rates, & Sign their First Clients Quickly.

Dear Heart-Driven Coach

Your Niche is NOT a Title.


Or a bunch of random words you put together.


It's a strategic process of:


  • Finding an audience you have passion & credibility with.

  • Identify the audience's urgent & specific problem/desire.

  • Ensure your audience is willing to invest in your solution.

  • Identify the results you can confidently deliver.

  • Create a unique solution to solve that problem.

Without a strategic niche: 

❌ Your content doesn't resonate.

❌Your marketing efforts are wasted.

❌ Your audience doesn't see you as an expert.


Thus, they don't trust you to solve their problem.

However, once that niche piece is settled, all the following steps – messaging, offers, marketing – become more graceful and intuitive.

✔️ You know exactly how to say what you do.

✔️ You know exactly where and how to market your business.

✔️ You know where and how to connect with your ideal clients.

The Best Part?

💡 You attract perfectly fit clients.

💡 You build a network of pre-sold clients.

💡 You become the 'go-to' person for them.

Thus, they trust you and are excited to work with you.

And that's the best and fastest way to grow your coaching business.


How Can I Help You?

When booking your "Nail Your Niche" package, I'll help you choose a profitable and aligned niche that perfectly blends your passions, skills, and market demand for sustainable business growth.

How it Works?


  1. On the first call, we'll brainstorm your potential audiences, their problems, and desires.

  2. After the call, you conduct easy-to-do market research to validate your niche and ensure its viability (I'll show you how.)

  3. You email me the draft results of your research.

  4. We set up a second call, where we polish your niche and give you a step-by-step plan to start marketing your business and enroll your ideal clients.

What Sets Me Apart?

With a PhD in digital entrepreneurship, copywriting experience for coaches, and a passion for mindset and business coaching, I offer expertise in business, marketing, and coaching.

So, Why Wait?


Take the first crucial step in building a solid foundation for your coaching business - your niche.

Book your "Nail Your Niche" call using the link below.​​

What Clients Say

Niche Expert Testimonial - Felix Müller Mindset Coach Testimonial
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