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Are "Coaching Directories" Worth it?

First, let's define a coaching directory.

It is an online platform designed to connect coaches with potential clients.

And people can browse and choose the best coach to meet their needs.

Most of the time, you must pay to be listed on those platforms.

Now, the question is:

Is a Coaching Directory a Good Idea?

To answer the question, consider the following points:

  1. Many people do NOT perceive Coaching as a solution to their problems. Either because of a lack of understanding of what Coaching is or misconceptions about its effectiveness. Therefore, they seek other ways to solve their problems.

  2. People don't search for "coaches" compared to other professions, like "therapists" (According to Google's keyword analytics).

  3. These platforms get limited visitors annually, indicating low demand and high competition.

  4. It's challenging to stand out from the crowd on these platforms; "coaching directories" are the crowd.

  5. People will see you as a commodity and decide whether to hire you based on the rate.

Now don't take my word for it,

A fellow coach told me recently about his experience with those platforms,

And I'm quoting:

"Listing your name there often leads to a price war. It's not worthwhile because potential clients will likely try to haggle, comparing your rates with other coaches' rates."


This is not a pleasant place to be in as a coach.

So, my advice is don't waste your time and money on marketing on the coaching directories.


Nail Your Niche.

Find a spot in the market where you are the only compelling option for your clients.

Here's how:

  • Pick a single narrow audience.

  • Identify their urgent problem.

  • Create a unique solution for them.

This way, you will create something your clients want and are willing to invest in your high-ticket solution.

This way, you stand out from the crowd and build authority fast.

Isn't that what you really want?


Now, if you need help in identifying your niche, please book a "Nail Your Niche" package from the link below:

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