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Why Coaching is a Hard Sell?

The Coaching industry has a unique problem that no other industry has.

A significant problem that makes Coaching hard to sell.     

Here it is:

"Most people don't know what Coaching is, and those who think they know are mistaken."

Coaching is primarily associated in most people's minds with services for elite athletes or for corporate executives.

People don't perceive Coaching as a solution to their problems!

Even if you check Google's keyword analytics, you can see that people do not search for coaches compared to other professions.

There's a massive difference in the volume of search times.

No other professional has this issue: doctors, lawyers, therapists - everyone understands what they do.

More importantly, people know if they need to hire someone to help them with their problems.

So, imagine trying to sell Coaching when potential clients are both unaware of its true value and convinced they know but are mistaken.

No wonder most coaches struggle to find clients.

No wonder 80% of coaches give up in the first two years.

Is there a solution?

YES, by strategically niching down.      

Here's how:   

1- Pick a single narrow audience.   

2- Find their specific & urgent problem/desire.   

3- Create a unique solution for them (using your experiences, coaching skills, and everything in your toolbox.)   

4- Target all your marketing and messaging to that audience.      

And this is how you start to think as a CEO coach.    


When you do that, your audience:      

  • Trust you fast.  

  • They perceive Coaching as a solution.  

  • You become the go-to person who solves their problem.  

Isn't that what you really want?

Now, if you need help in finding your niche, book a "Nail Your Niche" Call from the link below:

In these sessions, I'll help you find a profitable & aligned coaching niche.

How it works?

  1. On the first call, we'll brainstorm your potential audiences, their problems, and desires.

  2. After the call, you conduct easy-to-do market research to validate your niche and ensure its viability (I'll show you how.)

  3. You email me the draft results of your research.

  4. We set up a second call to polish your niche and give you a step-by-step plan to start marketing your business and enroll your ideal clients.

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